
Get out of crisis mode! DSW 38th poster competition

  • Deutsches Studierendenwerk calls for the 38th poster competition for design students
  • Climate change, corona pandemic, inflation, wars, energy crisis - how do students cope with these multiple crises?
  • 10,000 euros in prize money
  • Registration until 5 November 2023
  • Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Museum für Kommunication Berlin is cooperation partner

Berlin, 7 September 2023.
Climate change, war, energy crisis: How do students deal with the multiple crises of our time? What are their fears and hopes? How do they cope with these crises? That's what Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW) wants to find out from design students nationwide in its 38th poster competition under the motto "Get out of crisis mode!".

The DSW invites design students to express their perspectives on these crises, share their fears and hopes, and visualize their visions of a future beyond the difficulties. Design students can use their posters to convey personal experiences and messages related to the given theme.

Matthias Anbuhl, Chairman of the Board of DSW, comments: "Students are particularly affected by the social and economic upheavals of recent years. Four digital semesters in lockdown-induced social isolation were seamlessly followed by enormous price increases in energy and housing costs due to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the increasingly threatening consequences of climate change. We want to know how students deal with this pervasive crisis situation and what ways out they see."

Students of graphic design, communication design and visual communication who are enrolled at state or state-recognized universities in Germany in the winter semester 2023/2024 are invited to participate in the competition. Registration is open until 5 November 2023. Poster designs must be submitted to Deutsches Studierendenwerk via a digital online competition portal by 14 January 2024.

A jury of five design experts will make a digital preselection from which the best posters will be selected in a jury meeting in mid-April 2023. A total of 10,000 euros in prize money will be awarded.

The award ceremony is scheduled to take place on 24 June 2024, at the renowned Museum für Kommunikation in Berlin. Starting in fall 2024, a selection of the 29 best posters will tour Germany for a year and a half as a traveling exhibition and be presented in various student unions. The four most popular posters in the exhibition will be printed and can be requested free of charge from Deutsches Studierendenwerk by student unions, universities and university-related institutions.

The competition is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and organized in cooperation with Museum für Kommunikation Berlin.

The jury members of the 38th poster competition are:

  • Prof. Yang Liu, Professor of Communication Design, University of Europe
  • Prof. Wilfried Korfmacher, graduate designer and graduate psychologist, Professor in the Department of Communication Design, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
  • Cristina Talpa, Communication Designer, Community Management, Professional Association of Communication Design (DBG)
  • Dietrich Wolf Fenner, Head of Public Relations, Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
  • Michael Postert, Managing Director, Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe

All information and announcement folder online

Online registration until 5 November 2023

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