Eating & Drinking | Cashless Payment | AUTOLOAD
Quick and safe: Topping up without cash
As a student you pay by BlueCard or FH Karte in our dining facilities. With AUTOLOAD you top up your card at the checkouts by direct debit. You neither need cash nor do you have to queue up at the loading terminals.
Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about AUTOLOAD:
With Autoload your card gets topped up automatically at the checkouts of the Studierendenwerk Aachen dining facilities. Technically it works like a SEPA direct debit. If you sign up for Autoload you authorize Studierendenwerk to collect the determined loading amount from your bank account.
Autoload is a quick, secure and convenient way of paying without cash in the dining halls. As Autoload user bringing cash to your lunch break and queuing up at the loading terminals is not necessary anymore. When your balance falls below the threshold amount you have set, you can decide at the checkouts whether you want your card to be topped up with the determined loading amount. On the Card Service Portal you can keep track of your transactions and payments.
All students who have a BlueCard or FH card containing a chip and RWTH employee with a guest card for RWTH employee can sign up for Autoload.
You sign up by setting up a SEPA direct debit mandate at the Infopoint of Studierendenwerk, Pontwall 3. You will get a receipt showing your user name (=card number) as well as a password for the Card Service Portal. When you sign up, you determine at which balance you would like your card to be topped up (threshold amount) and which amount should be loaded onto the card (loading amount).
Please consider: It normally takes a day after the registration until Autoload can be used.
As soon as your balance falls below the threshold amount you have set (at least 5 €), you are asked at the checkout whether you want to load your card via direct debit. If you agree, your card is topped up and you receive a receipt on request. If you decline, your balance will stay the same.
When you sign up for Autoload you decide at which card balance you want your card to be topped up. As soon as your balance falls below that threshold amount (at least 5 €), you are asked at the checkout whether you want to charge your card. If you agree, the cashier will top up your card with the determined loading amount (at least 10 €). If you decline, you will be asked again next time.
Yes, both amounts can be changed on the Card Service Portal.
No, the card can only be topped up at the checkout when you make a purchase.
If you do not have enough money in your bank account but still charge your card via direct debit, your card will get blocked. If the debit collection is rejected by your bank because you do not have enough money in your account or because you changed your bank account we will charge you a 5 € fee. The fee and the loading amount have to be paid in cash at the Infopoint.
The registration for Autoload is voluntary. You can, of course, still charge your card with cash at the card loading terminals. If you have signed up for Autoload you can use both charging systems.
When you sing up for Autoload your BlueCard or FH Karte gets linked to your bank account. No further data is recorded. We have no access to any information concerning your financial situation.
Find information regarding data protection in the data protection of Studierendenwerk. Find specific information on AUTOLOAD under number 7.
If you have lost or forgotten your password for the Card Service Portal please refer to the Infopoint and bring your ID, bank card and BlueCard or FH Karte. The password cannot be sent by mail, email or phone. If you want to change the password you can do this on the Card Service Portal.
If you lose your BlueCard or FH Karte you can deactivate Autoload immediately on the Card Service Portal. Should you find your card again or if you get a new one you will have to sign up again at the Infopoint.
Autoload can be cancelled any time on the Card Service Portal.
You can delete the stored bank details yourself via the card service portal. To set up new bank details, you will need to go back to our Infopoint or to the cash desks in the dining halls.
We answer all your questions at the Infopoint of Studierendenwerk, Pontwall 3, Tel 0241 80-93200, opening hours: Mon- Fri: 9 am to 3 pm, Fri. 9 am to 2:30 pm.
The Guest Card and Student Guest Card are no personalized means of payment. Due to this reason AUTOLOAD is not available for these kinds of cards.