Eating & Drinking | Catering Service

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Professional catering for you and your guests

Finger food, lavish buffets, provision of service personnel or chefs – the catering team of Studierendenwerk Aachen helps you organize events and parties.

We rent the following rooms (food and drinks are to be ordered from Studierendenwerk only):   

  • Bistro Templergraben, Templergraben 55
    Cost: 300 € / plus cleaning fee 

  • Mensa Vita, Helmertweg 1
    Cost: 1.000 € / plus cleaning fee

Catering Service
Studierendenwerk Aachen

Pontwall 3 | Ground floor, room B0.06
52062 Aachen
+49 241 80-93475

Service hours:

Mon- Fri 9 a.m.-3 p.m., as well as by appointment or via email