BAföG/Finances | Study start aid

The study start aid amounts to a one-off €1,000 and is a subsidy. It is intended for first semester students from low-income households. The application can only be submitted digitally:
The aim of the study start aid is to reduce potential hurdles when deciding to study. The money is to be used for typical expenses associated with starting university, such as the semester fee, the rent deposit or a notebook.
The study start aid can be applied for once, independently of BAföG, and is not offset against BAföG. BAföG is paid for monthly living expenses and education.
The application must be submitted within the first two months of the semester at the latest. Students must
- be under 25 years of age
- be enrolled for the first time at a university in a full-time course of study (to be proven by the certificate of enrollment)
- submit a certificate of enrollment for the first semester
- prove that they were a recipient of one of the following social benefits in the month before the start of their studies
- Housing benefit (received by yourself or as a household member)
- Child allowance (received by themselves or by their parents; not to be confused with "Kindergeld"!)
- Bürgergeld (SGB II) (Citizen's allowance)
- Sozialhilfe (Social assistance) (SGB XII: assistance for subsistence or reduced earning capacity or SGB XIV: victims/survivors of violence/neglect/vaccination damage)
- Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
Furthermore, young people who are accommodated in a child and youth welfare facility (SGB VIII) and whose parents do not have to make any contributions to the measures can apply for study start aid.
ATTENTION: The online application via the BAföG Digital application portal must contain the following two attachments.
- Certificate of enrollment from the university
- Certificate confirming receipt of one of the above-mentioned social benefits in the month prior to the start of studies