

Your first point of contact

Our Infopoint, the information desk of Studierendenwerk, will give you initial advice on questions regarding Studierendenwerk. It is the first point of contact for general information on our services Housing, Dining, Childcare and Student Finances. The Infopoint is located in the Administration building on Pontwall 3.

Foyer Mensa Academica
Pontwall 3
52062 Aachen

Opening hours:
Mon–Thu 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Fri 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
Tel.: +49 241 80-93200

We will answer your questions on

  • Housing

  • Financial support

  • Finding your way around campus

  • Finding the right contact within Studierendenwerk
  • BAföG Application Forms
    You can collect and submit BAföG application forms at the Infopoint. If you have specific questions that concern your application please contact the BAföG Office.

  • Cashless payment
    If your card gets lost or damaged, you will receive a new one at the service desks of RWTH Aachen or FH Aachen.
    The Infopoint of Studierendenwerk Aachen can transfer the money from the lost or damaged BlueCard to your new one. The remaining balance of your old FH-Card will be transfered automatically when inserting it into one of the charging terminals. If your Guest Card gets damaged, please refer to the Infpoint.
  • Accident Insurance for Students
    Accidents that happen during university-related activities must be notified to Studierendenwerk Aachen. An accident report and an enrollment certificate must be submitted to the Infopoint.

    Read more here.