Eating & Drinking | Cashless Payment | Bridge Course Students

Eating in the dining hall as bridge course student

Studierendenwerk makes it possible for bridge course students to eat at student prices until they receive their BlueCard/FH Karte.


Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about eating in the dining hall as bridge course student:


What are the requirements?

Bridge course students buy the Student Guest Card for a €2 deposit. Important: The Guest Card is for external guests and a guest fee is charged automatically when paying with it. Only with the Student Guest Card bridge course students can eat at student prices.

Only on presentation of the participation confirmation bridge course students get a student menu.

Where can I buy the Student Guest Card?
The Student Guest Card ("Studierendengastkarte") is available at our cafeteria ESStw inside the C.A.R.L. on Monday, 2 September, and Tuesday, 3 September from 7:30 am until 2 pm.

: The Student Guest Card is available at ESStw only. No cards available at the Infopoint.

Where are the card loading terminals?

RWTH area:
Mensa Academica, Pontwall 3 
Mensa Vita, Helmertweg 1
Mensa Ahornstraße, Ahornstraße 55
Bistro Templergraben, Templergraben 55

FH area:
Mensa Jülich, FH-Campus
Mensa Eupener Straße, Eupener Straße 70
Mensa Bayernallee, Bayernallee 9
Mensa KMAC, Hohenstaufenallee 10
Mensa Südpark, Weißhausstraße 2

Balance transfer to the BlueCard/FH Karte

When the semester starts, bridge course students receive their BlueCard/FH Karte. They can use it in order to pay without cash in the dining halls. Should there still be money on their Student Guest Card they can have it transferred to their BlueCard/FH Karte by the Infopoint.

In general, the BlueCard/FH Karte is distributed in the second week of the semester. Therefore, bridge course students should keep the Student Guest Card until they receive the Student ID. 

More information about cashless payment in the Studierendenwerk dining halls.

If you have questions the Infopoint will help you.